Sunday, 31 May 2015

Proof: Sitcom set designers never speak to establishing shot makers

It is obvious that the people in charge of the set design of a sitcom, and those who produce the exterior establishing shots NEVER speak to each other. They don't just never speak, but are totally uninterested in the job of the other team. How would it be otherwise possible that an exterior shot of the house shows a radically different arrangement than the set itself. 

Here's an example from The Odd Couple. In the first shot, the Empire State Building is towering above Oscar's apartment building, just a block or two behind it. Then, in the apartment, the same building can be seen a mile away.

The Odd Couple

The other example is from King of Queens, a show that had 9 seasons from 1998 to 2007. Apparently even in ten years nobody had bothered to fix the obvious error, where Doug and Carrie's house has a door and a window in the external shot, and has a door in the middle with windows on both sides in the actual set. (Not to mention the stairs vs. patio contradiction.)

King of Queens

There's one thing I don't understand: even if these two teams never speak to each other, such obvious mistakes are clearly revealed in the editing phase, in the first season. This should be the best moment to re-shoot the one-second exterior shot, and use the new one instead.

But obviously they just can't be bothered...